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IBM Certified Data Science Course Curriculum

IBM Certified
Data Science Course

Advance your career

your career


4.9 Stars 569 reviews

Welcome UniCus Learning

UniCus Learning pioneers career and life transformation in the digitalvrealm. We provide advanced training in IBM Certified Data Science, Python, IBM Certified Predictive Analytics Modeler, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Full-stack web development, Amazon Web Services (AWS), DevOps, Microsoft Azure, Big Data Analytics, Digital Marketing, and a Career Launching program. Our courses empower students to demonstrate skills in the competitive job market, earning valuable credentials and certificates.

Our curriculum is the result of extensive collaboration with over 100 industry experts and a meticulous analysis of numerous job descriptions, ensuring alignment with real-world industry needs. One prevalent issue we identified is the tendency to overlook the crucial connection between Data Science and Business Problem-Solving. Many students often graduate without a profound understanding of how their skills align with corporate objectives. To address this gap, the 'Unicus Advantage' emphasizes a strong integration of real-world business challenges into our coursework. This approach ensures that students not only comprehend the technical intricacies but also gain a practical understanding of how to apply their skills to solve real business problems.

Training Titans

Experienced Fortune Trainers, Real-time Business Cases, Tailored Individual Training

Application Focus

Real-world industry training by expert professionals for practical skill development.

Project Experience

Expert Fortune-Trained Instructors for Real-Time Business Case Training

Placement Support

Transform careers, collaborate, support trainees with dedicated job placement.

Key Features of
Unicus Data Science Program

A program dedicated to tangible results, both in terms of career prospects and skill development.

Why People Choose Our Training

Expert Trainers

The UniCus Learning team searched all over India for the best trainers. Our trainers work with highly qualified business partners and Fortune companies to provide advanced and comprehensive training.

To make students skilled and champions in solving complex industry challenges, they curate the course content with an eye on the industry needs and standards.

Capstone Projects

At Unicus Learning, our philosophy centers around embracing a pragmatic learning methodology. We are firm believers in providing students with hands-on experience using real-world data, enabling them to gain a tangible understanding of its practical applications.

In line with this ethos, we foster a collaborative and group-oriented learning environment. Our approach involves active participation in discussion forums, encouraging students to engage in meaningful conversations and share insights. Furthermore, we emphasize the importance of practical application through capstone projects, allowing our trainees to not only develop their individual skills but also to cultivate strong teamwork abilities. By combining theoretical knowledge with real-world scenarios, we aim to shape individuals who are not only adept problem solvers but also effective team players.

InHouse Internship

At Unicus Learning, we recognize that internships extend beyond mere groundwork. We firmly believe in the transformative power of well-structured programs that can nurture young talents and serve as a cornerstone for sourcing brilliant minds for any organization.

Our internship initiatives go beyond the conventional, offering both paid and unpaid programs designed to empower interns. Through these opportunities, participants not only gain valuable experience but also acquire the skills to tackle business challenges head-on. We aim to provide a platform that enables interns to distinguish themselves, positioning them to outperform competitors and contribute meaningfully to the organizations they choose to work with.

InHouse Internship

Unicus Learning proudly boasts collaborations with over 100 MNCs and SMEs, serving as a direct conduit for these enterprises to fulfill their business requirements. Our dedicated placement vertical acts as a catalyst for trainees to leverage the extensive knowledge acquired at Unicus Learning, positioning them for success in their careers.

To equip students with the practical skills needed to tackle real-world challenges, we go beyond traditional training methods. Our comprehensive approach includes mockup interviews with instant feedback, personalized 1-1 mentorship, and robust support through our Learning Management System (LMS). This allows students to access classes, stay updated on industry trends, and enhance their learning experience. Additionally, we facilitate opportunities for students to connect with industry leaders through career fairs, Hackathons, workshops, and meetups, fostering a rich and dynamic learning environment.

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A few reviews from our students

Unicus learning certificate

Gain Industry-Recognized IBM Certified Data Science Certificates

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